That was pretty good it looked like Final Fantasy Sonic X butt better with
customized characters i loved it i hope you will make the second part fast i can't wait :D
That was pretty good it looked like Final Fantasy Sonic X butt better with
customized characters i loved it i hope you will make the second part fast i can't wait :D
OK thanks! Any suggestions?
Great Job
Splendid job man i liked it sprites where good
and umh one more thing can you give me the Music from the Credits it sounds cool here's my addy Zerocool_143@hot.....
hehe, thanks man, allredy added you to my contact list
ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1# this rocked and
2# the guy before me is a retard
3# this rocked
hehehehehe ;) keep it up dude
you will be doing good if you do
thanks man :)
that was good are you gonna update this so we know when the
next eps is ready ??
I'm currently working on my next animation, Forsaken. When that is finished, I'll be taking a break for a little bit. Proto 2 will have to wait, but it will be made.
Blam this piece of crap !!!!!!!
man that was really in one word CRAP oké you understand if i where you i don't submit more of this crap sorry but i can't say anything else
hope you in prove
lol i like level 2 people who haven't ever made only one movie saying other people work is shit...
Thanks for the review anyway... to each one his own i guess.
Damn really good =P
hmmm.... don't know what to say eccept GOOD i want to see more and now if you want to excuse me il go watch it again :]
yes!! you took the point
Age 35, Male
Backseat banger.
Joined on 5/1/04