this quiz was ownage ! i loved butt only got to question 98 ! how
much longer is this quiz ? woah keep it dude make
another one and another ill keep playin these.
this quiz was ownage ! i loved butt only got to question 98 ! how
much longer is this quiz ? woah keep it dude make
another one and another ill keep playin these.
Awesome game :D
butt your score board got hacked :D:D ROFL xD
love the concept, you should finish it the idea is very good it could have been better if you didnt used the sprites and made your own butt the game that they are playing reminds me of yu-gi-oh hehehe :) anyway
finish it and ill play simple as that. 4/5
very nice game had hours of fun with it and you online idea is ok that would make the game only nicer ! 5/5
Its a nice game i've played for several hours very adicting
keep up the good work ! :D
[TO: NonHuman ]
It saves the cookies of the game via scripting.
i've got something to say about this one.
Altough the game is funny i dont think that the death of the crocodile dundee should be exploited in a game i think thats cold the game was nice dough .
Paul Hogan never stood a chance =( .
WooT Thats allot of rum :D
I would want to take a sip of all that rum :D
great game it was easy to beat and understand
simple and adictive great job :D
i definetly agree with The_Hero_Of_The_Day
i found cheat xD
on the objects menu where it says which directions to press upon i found out while playing pressing all of those buttons without leaving you're fingers of the keys you can win a lvl easily xD nice eh? great game !
Age 35, Male
Backseat banger.
Joined on 5/1/04